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The ACOM 2000A Automatic HF Linear Amplifier is the world's most advanced HF amplifier designed for amateur use. The ACOM 2000A is the first amateur HF amplifier to include both fully automatic tuning and sophisticated digital control capabilities. This revolutionary new amplifier delivers maximum legal power in all modes and operates on all HF amateur bands. A New Standard in Amplifier Features and Performance The ACOM 2000A represents a major advance in the state-of-the-art in HF amplifier design. It changes forever the way radio amateurs employ HF power amplifiers in their stations.
Instantaneous, automatic tuning makes slow, cumbersome band changes a thing of the past. A built-in, wide-range antenna tuner matches loads with high VSWR (up to 3:1), often eliminating the cost and complexity of an external, high-power antenna tuner. RS-232 digital control permits full integration into any computer-driven station configuration. Advanced protection circuits ensure amplifier safety under every potential combination of operating conditions. Remote diagnostic features and modular design ease fault isolation and repair Cutting-Edge Technology Enhances a Classic Design At the core of the ACOM 2000A is a classic HF amplifier design, employing two Svetlana 4CX800A (GU74B) high performance ceramic metal tetrodes operating in a grid-driven configuration.
This design was chosen for its inherent stability and extremely low production of spurious emissions. ACOM coupled this tried-and-true configuration with today’s most advanced digital control technology to create an amplifier with outstanding performance, features and reliability. Clean Signal Grid-driven tetrodes, cathode negative feedback, excellent transceiver loading (typically below 1.2:1 input VSWR), and regulated SG voltage result in an extremely low distorted output. Measured typical IMD are - 40dB (3-rd order) and - 45dB (5-th order). Installer aplikasi persediaan 2011 iraqi. Classical Pi-L network, all-air coils (no ferrite), and carefully designed layout of the output tank offer typical harmonic emissions as low as - 55dBc (second) and below - 70dBc (third and above). Thus, probability of QRM, BCI or TVI is dramatically minimized.

Fully Automatic Tuning The automatic tuning features in the ACOM 2000A represent a real breakthrough in HF amplifier design. Never think about an ATU for VSWR up to 3:1 (2:1 on 160 m). Matching the actual antenna impedances to the optimum tubes load is completely automated.
Typically 1 second and no skill is required.By completely eliminating time-consuming tune-up procedures, the ACOM 2000A has gives contesters a real edge. It is now possible to change bands without a moment’s thought. You can work every multiplier spotted using software point-and-shoot – regardless of band. And always know the amp is properly tuned and operating safely. The amplifier follows your transceiver's band and frequency automatically in less than a second.